It is really interesting to discuss the ways of creating money! Today, we are going to explore how you can Make Money with a Blog in September 2024. Making money with a blog and monetization of the blog are two different things that you will feel after starting a blog. For the last three years, I have tried a number of methods to monetize a blog, and it has become my favorite topic to discuss now. If you have just started or are an intermediate blogger, this article is going to show you several effective methods to make money. Some may be new for you, while a few might be ones you have used already.
Right Methods for how to make money blogging in September 2024
Google AdSense Monetization
If you want to show relevant ads on your blog, AdSense is one way to monetize your blog which is a Google-powered platform. After completing of design and adding content to it you have to submit your blog on You will ask some basic questions like your blog subject, URL, name, and address. Be careful in the submission of these things and the Google team will have a manual check of your information and approve it if you have fulfilled all the quality guidelines.
Banner Ads
It is also one of the effective methods used by companies to make their content beneficial. In this process, website owners get a particular amount of money from brands and display their ads on their websites. Monetization of banner ads gives monthly profit when you get upfront from companies on each month. If you are also interested in using this method to make money from your blog buysellads is a powerful platform to have any kind of deal.
CPA Marketing
Big internet marketers in the world are using CPA marketing to make money. CPA stands for cost per action. In this process, you have to bring people on your page and allow them to do the action you want from them. That may be the submission of credit card details or filling a form. At start, you have to provide a trial and get information. In this case, companies are going to pay you for this action of people not for the number of sales they have.
Training and Online Courses
Once you create a papular blog, it will be easy for you to sell your google training and courses. The purpose of this is to create the interest of people in some particular thing and sell it after that. But the first thing is planting the idea or interest in the minds of people about that. There are a number of people in the market who have created successful blogs and sold marketing courses for millions.
Affiliate Marketing
One of the best methods that can be used to create money with a blog is affiliate marketing. More than 70% of people who are making good money with blogs are using this method to do so. In this process, you have to promote the products of other people on your blog. For that, you can do ads or write product reviews. You may have a concussion in this regard, let me clear that now. In the display of banner ads, you get a fixed amount of money from brands. But in this case, the amount of money you get depends upon the traffic you take to their product page through your site. And you will get 10 to 40% of profit on the number of sales.
Selling your own services
If you have created a blog on a particular niche and have products related to it as well. Then selling your products through that is an excellent way to have a good sale rate. There are are number of people who are selling plugins, software, books or courses through their blogs.
Article Links
Once the blog is created and you have achieved good traffic on it as well, you can use it in countless ways to create money. Like guest posting is one more powerful way to do it. Allow other websites to add their article link in your blog. That will help them to raise the domain authority of their website and you can charge a good amount of money from them.
Make a Video about the product
Nowadays video marketing is really in trend and top marketers of the industry are using it to increase their brand voice. If you have created a popular brand and there is good traffic there on it you can allow video promotion on it and change a good amount of money from companies. It is a way to raise your voice up to millions in a short while.
E-Mail Marketing
Have you observed some people provide you free short training course in exchange of that he will get your email address? You can use these email addresses to send manual emails to your readers. And leave a comment to download the book you have created. There are a number of tools you can use for email marketing but one i find the best is Convertkit that i use for this.
Final Words
These few are the methods I have used to create money from my blog and proved effective. But if you try any of these make sure to be consistent for 2 to 3 months before jumping to the next ones. Because before this time period, you are not going to get any results at all.
With time, you will master these tips and explore which one is most effective for you. By following these strategies, you will feel comfortable working on your blog, especially if you have just started. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced, these methods will help you Make Money with a Blog in September 2024 and beyond.
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